Games lately

Let's see... I haven't posted up anything lately, but nothing's been really going on except me playing video games.

So, let's see. I'm about done with FFTA2, after 260 some odd quests on Hard mode and no dispatches. The game really has a few minor flaws and one real big one. Those've you that've played the game probably know the big one. I'll probably review it in a few days at most after I beat it. For reference, by the time I beat Last Ranker, I was at around 180 quests.

Bayonetta isn't shaping up to be the game I thought it would be. I want it to be better, but it's just not. I think I might rant about it later, but that requires me beating it first.

God Hand... well, still haven't beat it yet, Last Ranker and FFTA2 took a huge chunk of time outta this one, especially since this game takes a chunk outta your time if you want to keep the continue count down. I've been hitting Lv. Die a few times now, then I promptly get whumped. Despite the difficulty, though, I do like the game. Again, like all games, it has a few flaws, one of them pretty big, but I'm rolling with it.

Oh yeah. Shachou Punch is for wimps. ^^;