Can you heat it up?

Just beat Im@s2. Impressions will come when I get some time.

Haruka Good End, got the IA Grand Prix award, but no others. High Score was 43327 (The World is All One!), total CD sales were 3585037 CDs. Highest rank attained was Top 3 (my song, second release, around 800k sales), highest sales was The World is All One! (I think) at 958020 CDs. Image Level 14, Lv. 3 Memory Appeal. Total fans were 380019. Greatest number of fans in one area was Kinki, at 136976 fans.

Update (26 March 2011): Final money count was 139550 (I think, could've been 131550).

Attempted Revivals some three or four times, but they never popped. A Break did for my second release, though... when I realized I wanted to fit in some lessons I realized I couldn't promote a new release with Lives.

Songs released (in order): MEGARE!, my song, Little Match Girl (favorite), Idolm@ster 2nd mix, and The World is All One! Finished the game with Little Match Girl.

Next run will likely be my experimental run. I may fit an accumulation run in, too (稼ぎプレイ). I think I'm getting closer to my next two units. The only question is if I want to get familiar with the Communications with Yukiho and Makoto. Haruka... Secret Communications excepted, I don't think I got anything other than a Perfect once. Come to think of it, the same could be said of Makoto... but Yukiho? Normals all around.

I think in general, though, Perfect Communications are easier to get than previous Im@s titles. Lessons are a freakin' cakewalk, too, as well as just about any other thing about the game... except for scheduling.

Next time I take The Squires out, it'll be for world domination, baby!
