My poor Nuforces...

My Nuforce NE-6's, after a year of service, finally died on 22 October, 2011. I don't know, this seems odd that they'd do that only after a year, and I don't think I mistreated them. The cord's short enough that my computer chair can't reach them to run over them, and the most I've ever done is let them rest behind my notebook or fold them up and put them in their pouch. I mean, I guess when resting them on the desk behind my notebook, I might have let the cord dangle down every so often (still plugged in, usually), but I don't think that would destroy a set of canalphones especially since I only used them occasionally.

About three or four weeks ago, I put them on to test them against my Koss KSC75's, and what I heard was odd. Could my ears have been mistaken, that the Nuforces sounded... muffled? Was this really the sound I remembered hearing many months ago after I burned these in? I thought that couldn't be the case, as my 40 - 50 dollar earbuds couldn't lose to a pair of 15 dollar clip-ons.

Well, apparently my ears weren't mistaken. The Nuforces' right driver gave out, and the left one wasn't sounding too hot either, so my attempts at a comparison were left with nothing. I can't quite compare any set of headphones against one that's dying, now can I? The Nuforce 6's aren't even being sold anymore, as Nuforce is getting behind their newer sets of buds.

Rest well, Nuforces, you've served me well. It's been short, but thanks.