I'm spending moneys!

So, after not spending money on anything cool for the last since new years, I finally got fed up with things and spent a bunch of money. With my contributions, maybe the yen will go up to 80 yen to the dollar instead of 83.612 like it is now. Of course, banks will usually take 5 yen or so off the top like they normally do, so the exchange rate for normal people is around 78 yen to the dollar.

So, some of my stuff already made it to a warehouse, I just gotta wait for it to be shipped. Among what I bought...

A bunch of CDs by C-Media Records - They rock, simply put.

Project Sylpheed (import) - Honestly, a half impulse buy, but I've been space flight sim starved for far too long. I also can't stand the English voice acting, and would rather play the game in a language that I can at least tune out (kinda of) if the voice acting is bad.

Onimusha Dawn of Dreams (import) - Since it's a PS2 game and I can't play American PS2 games. Honestly, another impulse buy.

Ore no Imouto ha Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai, How to Imou-talk - The preorder bonus for the PSP game, so it's like I preordered the limited edition finally.

Exserens, by Alstromeria Records - 'Cause really, why not?

The Idolm@ster Best of 765+876 Vol. 3, Limited Edition - I figure it's about time to complete the set. Yes, my wallet's just like perforated cheese now.

Stupid me forgot to pick up Refrain from Akiba-oo, so that'll have to wait. Also, White Canvas still has to get back to me about my order, we'll see if they're still good for international orders.