Getting tired of foot dives

For a while now, a guy on Nico named R-KY has been going through Devil May Cry 3, in a tool-assisted run. Rather than actually going for time or rank, he's going for whatever just looks cool though. So, this is a Tool Assisted Stylish-run, rather than a speedrun.

He's been going through it on DMD mode (the hardest difficulty), though he just finished all twenty missions in the game. Here's a look at him beating the final boss of the game... obviously there're spoilers galore in here, though the entire ending of DMC3 (last mission and all) is the entire series at its best. Really emotional moments.


Really entertaining stuff, the likes of which are only possible by tools and such, but dang. You'll probably notice the sheer amount of air time he gets - in normal play, there was a little known exploit where you could jump cancel attacks, but only if you were airborne and there was an enemy next to you to jump off of. Now, you could normally jump off enemies, that's not odd at all, but in terms of pushing out as much damage in as little time possible, people just used the fastest, most damaging attack available - Beowulf's Killer Bee. That move is supposed to shoot you straight from the air to the ground (you'll see it in the vids as a dive kick). If it hits though, you're right next to your enemy already... so you could jump cancel the move as soon as it made contact, while you're still technically in the air. This would bump you back up in the air for another Killer Bee, upon which you would keep doing it over, and over, and over. Even better, it reset your jump count, so you could double jump or air dash all over again.

So in most speedruns in this mission, people usually rack up enough Stylish Points to get an S-rank for them, then do the trampoline bit over and over again. You can see that here, though he of course adds his own flair. Smokin' Sick, this stuff.