Maybe they time travelled

So, my old keyboard, a Saitek Eclipse, lost a key. Not just any key, a very important key. The Delete key. One of the clamps on the bottom of the key (which clip it into the key slot) broke off, and while I could have just sat the key on the slot, the spring action of the keyboard would ensure that whenever I hit the key, it would fly skyward as soon as my finger left it.

Now, I hear that customer support for these keyboards is really awesome. There have been people who've said simply asking customer service for some spare keys will get you some. However, seeing as I've had the keyboard for years, I thought maybe I'd upgrade and... support Saitek a bit more (and I guess by extension, Mad Catz).

So, I got the newer Saitek Eclipse II off Amazon with Super Saver Shipping... and got the thing here in two days. Geez, how'd that happen? Best Super Saver Shipping ever.

I guess only time'll tell if this keyboard will last as long as the other, but as I'm typing with it right now, I really like it. The keyboard is backlit, so you can find what key's what in the dark. If you like, you can change the backlighting color from blue to red or purple. Personally, I like classic blue best.

However, the most important thing about this keyboard (for me)... is that the feel of the keys as I press them conjures up memories of baby feet and buttery treats, just like the original keyboard. The typing action is soft and delicate and the keys themselves are comfortable to touch. You can even glissando your fingers across the keys with ease, which helps make typing faster and effortless all at once.

Seriously, this has to be a thing with this line of keyboards. These have got to be the most comfortable keyboards I've ever typed on - and considering that keyboards are one of the things I use most in life, I'm more than willing to drop a mere 40 bucks on it. So, one keyboard for the hall of fame, one keyboard for the desk, and one very happy Colemak typer at the computer.

... Though I hear reviews of the Eclipse III aren't that very enthusiastic. Thankfully I didn't need any of the features that keyboard had and it also costs twice as much, so I'm just fine with my Eclipse II, thank you.