Magic guests, MAKE MY CON GROW!

Oh, my little con has grown up to be a real con.

Some of my friends were banking on AWA this year to be a real con again, and reserved hotel rooms early. I'm glad I decided to get in on it too, since now we've got real guests. For a long time, we had a bunch of musical acts and only one voice actor announced, which was honestly worrying me a bit. After OMG ZUN FROTHING DEMAND and three other Japanese voice actors that were definitely no slouch either, did they just run out of steam?

The answer, of course, is that they didn't: two more Japanese guests have decided to show up. Granted, they're not doing too much these days...

... but when you're the voice actor for Amuro Ray or the original voice actress for Sailor Saturn, I think we can forgive you just a bit. One, maybe two people I know are probably flipping out like a ninja right now, minus all the killing.

So I'm going to AWA again, and I'm legitimately happy about where the con's been headed. Looks like there's going to be another Idolm@ster panel, so I'll have to bring casual outfit Akidzuki Ryou again. As for the other days, I've got stuff in mind, and as soon as all my stuff gets here, I can try them out.

... Though getting costumes together can be a little expensive. I hope I gave people the right sizes.