Rocked like a hurricane

A few weeks ago, I got back from another trip to Japan, and no less than two typhoons ripped through the country during my wonderful vacation. Thankfully I had a friend who lives in Japan, so I could use his place to keep my stuff.

... Such as when the typhoon kept my luggage from getting to Japan when I did, and nobody was sure when it would arrive. I just had it sent to his place and made sure I went back that direction after the first week.

Though as a piece of advice, if you're getting shirts from the 100 yen store, I recommend getting the black shirts. Even the grey ones will be partially see-through after a few hours of walking around.

I'm going through the pics on my camera really slowly, but I'll write about it sometime. I mainly spent time west of Kyoto. I also went there right after AWA, so I'll have to go through my pics of that too.