Anime Weekend Atlanta 2014

So, it's been a while... a long while, since AWA 2014 but I need to post up them pics sometime. They're mainly cosplay pics, and there aren't too many.

At first I thought I'd post them up with the pics of the Japan trip that I took after it, but dang... I took way too many pictures, and have to go through thousands of them. I'm not finishing that any time soon, so I'm just gonna up the AWA pics on their own.

It was a pretty good con, and we got some good guests, even if they were more old school than anything. I got autographs from Tooru Furuya (Amuro Ray, from the original Mobile Suit Gundam) and Yuuko Minaguchi (Sailor Saturn, from the original Sailor Moon). Junichi Suwabe... we kinda missed, but he hasn't voiced too many roles that I like, so it's all good.

It surprised me more that AWA staff finally prepped a concert hall for the musical guests. Before, there was a real big space for the dealer's room, and all the concerts were in some back room with hardly any seating and speakers from the 90's. This time it was different - a section that they used for the dealer's room was instead converted into a pretty huge concert hall, and the speakers... were real, concert-grade speakers! We had a real concert hall, fit for real musical guests! That's never been a thing before, and up until now, all the performers had to make do with a side show room in the back. But no more!

The musical act I saw was the MIQ concert, which was headed up by her and some other performers she was mentoring. It was unfortunately at the same time as the Idolm@ster panel, and well... concert or panel? Sorry guys, I chose the concert. It was a decent enough concert, and I saw I wasn't the only Im@s fan to skip the panel when I saw the guys in the Im@s happi dancing with their glow sticks at the front of the standing area. Homemade Kazoku also made an appearance, but since I'd already seen them and their music isn't my style, I gave 'em a pass for some panels.

There were some really good panels about Japanese mythology and ghost stories by a person going by Miss Fortune. She was a pretty good storyteller to go with the stuff she was talking about. There were other panels we attended too: some were hit, like the Japanese TRPG panel, and others were... shall we say, not headed by entertaining personalities.

It was a good weekend though, and I got a few people asking to take pictures of me. If you saw a Little Mac limping around (and yes, that was a martial arts injury), that was me!