Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013

Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013 - ZUN, Asakawa and Iwata, Furukawa

Earlier I said I'd detail what I remembered of Iwata and Asakawa's panel in its own post, as well as what I remember of ZUN, so here it is.I can actually start out with ZUN, though, since it actually will be the shortest I'll talk about. A…

Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013 - Sunday

The last day of the con was a pretty low-key event. We were a little late in getting out, so I missed the Kenshin movie that was being shown... though I was rather indifferent about seeing it, so I don't really mind. I bought that Wagnaria…

Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013 - Saturday

Day two of Anime Weekend Atlanta was mostly filled with signings and concerts, as far as I was concerned. There was an Iwata and Asakawa signing at 13:00, and so with my previous con experiences in mind, I sought to be at that line at 12:0…

Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013 - Friday

For this con, the plan was to pick up badges on Friday (not my decision, but I decided to roll with it). Registration at the con was a little odd, though. On Friday, the preregistration line took about 20 - 30 minutes to get through, but t…

Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013 - Summary

Well, I'm back from AWA 2013, and I had a blast. Really, this was a really good con this time around... far and away removed from the days when the only thing to do was to hang around the video game rooms and play DDR.Lately, the con has b…

Now that I'm here for AWA 2013...

Unfortunately, my Atlanta friends aren't cosplaying in the end. One of them... from what I understand couldn't get all the pieces together in time.Luckily for me, I was able to get everything together - even when a wig I needed didn't actu…