Now that I'm here for AWA 2013...

Unfortunately, my Atlanta friends aren't cosplaying in the end. One of them... from what I understand couldn't get all the pieces together in time.

Luckily for me, I was able to get everything together - even when a wig I needed didn't actually get to me in time. I had to look around locally for one, and didn't know where to start... but I managed to snag one that worked well enough. By the way, I suck at styling these things... or rather, I don't have the time to learn by tomorrow morning.

Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013 Cosplay Schedule
Friday: Morichika Rinnosuke, from the Touhou series
Saturday: Akidzuki Ryou, from The Idolm@ster Dearly Stars
Sunday: Akasaka Ryuunosuke, from Sakura-sou no Pet na Kanojo

This is probably the most cosplay I've ever done at a con. We'll see how this one goes!