Beautiful Keyboard HENSHIN!

Okay, I guess the Microsoft IME has changed since I used it last, but I thought one of the points of the IME was so that I could input romaji into the keyboard and have it turn it into Japanese for me.

Well, that's not all, it looks like. In Windows 7, it's turned my 101-key US keyboard into a 106-key Japanese keyboard! The mappings are off in a few places and, oh yeah, where's backslash? On a virtual key that is mapped to nothing on my physical keyboard? Graaaaah... this is what happens when the computer is assuming I have 5 more keys I don't have.

Shift-0 does nothing, I can't find underscores, backslashes, pipes, and yen symbols, I've gotten familiar with Shift-7 being single quote ('), and the fact that the parenthesis are a key to the left of what I'm used to... I don't think I have a squiggly, either.

Maybe I should look for a way to get Dvorak working on some odd IME. I've wanted to use it, but never got into it because there wasn't an IME I could find that allowed Dvorak->Japanese input. Or I guess I could get a Japanese keyboard.

Update: Looks like answers online have all said to modify the Windows Registry, then restart Windows.

( For converting back to a 101-key layout.

( For converting Japanese input into Dvorak Japanese input. Specifically, do a Ctrl-F for レジストリを書き換え変換.

Rtafw or C-m yryannf bry go.e yr yflcbi ydco ,afvvv

Okay, so I'm totally not used to typing this way... so I'm gonna change back for now. Maybe I'll write down the format on a card or something and make use of it, but most keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl-Z, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-A) are all designed for QWERTY users, so eh...

Maybe I'll just get used to typing with it someday so I can see how I like it.