
Purple screen of death

Anybody deal with viewports in XNA? Anybody ever try, for let's say split screen play, to render half the backbuffer in one rendering pass, and the other half in a second pass? Ever get a half screen of purple and a half screen of actual r…

The keyboard as a canvas

I've been kinda dragging my heels on some of my programming experiments, but I think I've finally got most of what I set out to accomplish this time.In a nutshell, I was able to take a 3D model, and put it in a scene...... and turn that sc…

When Hello World is one hundred lines long

So I thought I'd mess around a bit in Playstation Mobile to get familiar with it. I hit up some tutorials and stuff, and thought maybe I could program something really simple. Just a bunch of text on screen or something, like is standard. …

Zero wonders what these registers are for

Been a while since I last posted... and it's also been a while since I figured this out (i.e. a few weeks ago), but it makes for good posting, so I'll roll with it. We're going back to my forays in shader programming again, even if all I'm…

Highly Lazy Slacker Life (the series)

After being extremely lazy, I decided to get back into hobbyist programming. This time, I'm looking at shader programming, which is something I've always been interested in. Like last time, I'm in XNA, coding in C# and HLSL.So, it's not re…

My smartphone sports a dual-core processor

So, I was wondering what my blog looked like when viewed with a mobile device. I could have just dragged out a smartphone and looked at it, but I decided to be a little adventurous.As it turns out, the way most websites determine what vers…

MMDX: Not state-friendly

Programming in XNA, it seems like you subclass off Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game, and that... I guess is expected to contain a bunch of basic objects, like a GraphicsDeviceManager. The GraphicsDeviceManager also has some functions it uses t…

Frantic Hobbyist Programming

So, we all learn about stacks in programming, but when are they used?More than you might think, as it turns out. Pick up a video game, and you'll probably see this all happening behind the scenes everywhere. You start with the title screen…

Colemak 決定!

So, this is what... week two of using the Colemak keyboard layout?You know, it doesn't really feel like it's been two weeks. I'm typing faster in Colemak in two weeks than I was in Dvorak in a month, and I dare say it's starting to become …

The Hanging Gardens of DirectX (XNA and Gamepads, continued)

Apparently, using Managed DirectX with XNA 4.0 causes it to hang. That means that library I posted earlier isn't going to do anything except freeze your program. Blech.I've seen people recommend using SlimDX instead.

XNA and Gamepads

The one thing about XNA that just sucks is that natively, it doesn't support any game pads other than XBox 360 controllers... which kinda stinks if you don't have a wired controller.You can fortunately use something else, though. Managed D…


So, this is day two of using the Colemak keyboard layout, and well... it's kinda comfy. I don't really have a detailed opinion on it yet, but I figured I'd share a bit of insight on how to get a custom keyboard set up on Windows.For those …

MMDX 2.0 release... やって来たああああ!

The only thing keeping me from upgrading my compiler to Visual Studio 2010 was the fact that an MMD library for importing models and motions into a program was still running on XNA 3.1, which I think isn't too friendly with VS2010 (there w…


Lately, me switching from the QWERTY keyboard layout to the Dvorak keyboard layout has discouraged me from doing too much typing while I get used to it, but I'm slowly getting used to it.…

Beautiful Keyboard HENSHIN!

Okay, I guess the Microsoft IME has changed since I used it last, but I thought one of the points of the IME was so that I could input romaji into the keyboard and have it turn it into Japanese for me.Well, that's not all, it looks like. I…

Cael Vs. Windows 7

So, I had a nice... large... very large post about me installing Windows 7 on my computer. But well... it was kinda two hours of text typed out over 6 or so in the morning when I finally got things mostly working, but the thing was large e…