HDCP is my problem

Okay, well I was thinking a bit after my last post, and I realized something: HDMI 1.4 is kinda new as far as a standard goes. In fact, it was made official in 2009.

Now, I did say that you need an HDMI switch with HDMI 1.4 in order to output the format from your PS3, but well, I can't corroborate that anymore. If you're like me, who got a Japanese PS3 when there was still hardware backwards compatibility, then you can't output 1.4 since it wasn't in existence then.

So, I thought about it, and sure enough my PS3, model CECHA00, was made in 2006, before HDMI 1.4 was ratified. So now we're back to my HDMI switch. It says it's HDMI 1.3b and HDCP compatible. But when running my PS3 through it, I can't get any video, whereas my XBox 360 has no problem.

So, since I'm more curious than I am frugal, I decided to get another HDMI switch from Fry's. I ran my PS3 through it and... viola. Video.

I can only conclude that there's something wrong with the Monoprice HDMI switch that I got, and since the XBox360 will output video even on my old non-HDCP compatible monitor, I have to say that the switch isn't handling HDCP at all. Any time there's a video stream with HDCP involved, neither my old monitor nor the old switch can patch it through. When a signal comes in free from its constraints, then I see what I want to see.

And now that I've got a fully functional (from my perspective) switch, I guess I don't need the Monoprice one. Strange that it wouldn't work, most of the time they're really reliable, but then I guess I only have gone to them for cable.