Watch out Ryou, she'll chew you up!

Around sixteen months ago, I released chapters 7 and 8 of Neue Green. Then I got lazy for some reason, and stopped translating the manga.

Well, I wanna finish what I started, so after a long hiatus, I got back to it over Christmas. I went over the script about four or five times, and I think it's all good now. Those Kirame Kirari lyrics were a pain, though. I wonder why I felt the need to translate those too.

You know, when I was a kid, I never really listened to much music unless you count video game music. To a certain extent, that's still true, but as I'm writing this, I feel the urge to reach way back to what I still remember growing up and listen to them again. It's like I'm making up for lost time translating this series.

... Okay, maybe I shouldn't say lost time. Video games are important too.

Been a while since the manga was released, but someone out there might find this useful.