MMDX: Not state-friendly

Programming in XNA, it seems like you subclass off Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game, and that... I guess is expected to contain a bunch of basic objects, like a GraphicsDeviceManager. The GraphicsDeviceManager also has some functions it uses t…

Frantic Hobbyist Programming

So, we all learn about stacks in programming, but when are they used?More than you might think, as it turns out. Pick up a video game, and you'll probably see this all happening behind the scenes everywhere. You start with the title screen…

MMDX 2.0 release... やって来たああああ!

The only thing keeping me from upgrading my compiler to Visual Studio 2010 was the fact that an MMD library for importing models and motions into a program was still running on XNA 3.1, which I think isn't too friendly with VS2010 (there w…