
Japan Trip 2012, Day 2 - Idolm@ster Cafe

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that all my readership is going to be interested in this part and want all my photos. I'll post some here, but for the rest you'll have to go to my online photo album.Public photo album: http://caelk.s…

Japan Trip 2012, Day 2 - Ushiku Daibutsu

By this point, I had spent two nights in Japan, and it was time to go someplace a little out of the way. Our destination today was the Ushiku Daibutsu, the third largest statue in the world, superceded by two other Buddha statues. From Uen…

Japan Trip 2012, Day 1 - Yuigahama Beach

Next day, was the beach. We'd picked out one beforehand, Yuigahama, which had opened... I think the day before we got there. We took a train to Yuigahama Station, and chose to walk the rest of the way instead of taking the local train down…

Japan Trip 2012, Day 0 - Landing and Pasera (Akihabara)

I figure I've put this off long enough, I guess I should get started writing about the trip I took to Japan a good... month ago. Yes, I'm still playing Dragon's Dogma.So, I'm only really calling this Day 0 because I just landed, hung out w…

Mount Fuji - Personal Purchases

So, before I get on to blogging about the actual Japan trip, I thought I'd share some photos of the stuff I bought specifically for the trip up the mountain.Aviator hat, by Ultrafino Panama Hat. You can't see it here, but my cookie jar is …

3776 meters

Also... EPIC BIRD!!

Fire and Ice are in the name

Since I'm the curious type, I decided to pick up a CoolerMaster Inferno, another mouse, just to see how much I liked it, and to figure out whether or not my other mouse (the XL-760H) just didn't want to play nice with my DAC.As it turns ou…

Two mice for two hours - first impressions on budget gaming mice

Looks like in the past year, I've been coming across cases where my equipment just up and dies, or becomes obsolete.It started with my Sony Optiarc CD drive when I installed Windows 7 - apparently Windows didn't like it or it didn't like W…

Owning the Tokyo Tower is the in thing to do

So, apparently I spoke too soon when I said the Music Bomb shirt was too large for me. It's size XXL, yeah, and I assumed that no matter where you go, that's the size of giants in whatever area of the world you're in. However, in this inst…


Okay, so this has been in for a while now, but sometime around... I dunno the 7th or the 8th, I got a nice little package from JShoppers. I ordered both limited editions of Weiss Schwarz Portable and 7th Dragon 2020, and they came in then.…

HD on the cheap

So, I finally got my new monitor, a BenQ G2222HDL, and I almost... almost have everything I need. I just realized I was missing one thing.When I first ran my experiment, I bought about everything I needed to make my future setup work. Cabl…

My poor Nuforces...

My Nuforce NE-6's, after a year of service, finally died on 22 October, 2011. I don't know, this seems odd that they'd do that only after a year, and I don't think I mistreated them. The cord's short enough that my computer chair can't rea…


Look at what came in the mail yesterday!My brand new bokutou (apparently) imported directly from Japan. At least, that's what they said on the site. Smooth, no fear of splintering at all (until I start hitting things with it), and makes a …

Brave Story

Yesterday, a package came from Japan and more or less completed the literary collection of one of my favorite series ever.Miyuki Miyabe's Brave Story, or rather the story turned into a manga series by Youichirou Ono, ranks among my most fa…

What I did not find at Otakon...

Aside from the chocolate Riesens and Starbursts that weren't being sold at Otakon (even though they're the best snacks in the world), no one was selling the limited editions of the Dearly Stars manga, which is understandable since it had o…

Oh wallet, what have I done to you?

So, the mail came in yesterday with a package from Japan.Pictured here is the... Animate version (I think) of the limited edition of Idolm@ster relations, volume 1. Also, a thing of car shades in the shape of Kirino from OreImo, which I in…

Is it a con... or a convention?

Okay, well Otakon has come and gone, and it was a pretty good con, I guess. I spent a lot of time waiting in line for a guest's signing, though... honestly, there was a lot of waiting in line.There are a few autograph sessions I missed. Fi…

Baroque and Beats

So, I got a few things in the mail, and one thing not in the mail.Now, I know I got the American Collector's Edition of Devil May Cry, but I found out there was some missing content in the Japanese version that wasn't in the American. As m…

Wallet May Cry

Finally, got my computer space all set up. Whoo... slacked off a bit and read some K-On after carrying that heavy bookshelf, but I finally got everything set up, except for shelf placement.The desk actually is in the shape of an L, so you …

Maou Angel!

Yumeko activates her trap card!

From pixiv.Yumeko, from the previously linked Sword World vids. 秋月涼は伊達じゃねぇ、you see?