
Japan Trip 2012, Day 2 - Idolm@ster Cafe

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that all my readership is going to be interested in this part and want all my photos. I'll post some here, but for the rest you'll have to go to my online photo album.Public photo album: http://caelk.s…

Japan Trip 2012, Day 2 - Ushiku Daibutsu

By this point, I had spent two nights in Japan, and it was time to go someplace a little out of the way. Our destination today was the Ushiku Daibutsu, the third largest statue in the world, superceded by two other Buddha statues. From Uen…

Japan Trip 2012, Day 1 - Yuigahama Beach

Next day, was the beach. We'd picked out one beforehand, Yuigahama, which had opened... I think the day before we got there. We took a train to Yuigahama Station, and chose to walk the rest of the way instead of taking the local train down…

Japan Trip 2012, Day 0 - Landing and Pasera (Akihabara)

I figure I've put this off long enough, I guess I should get started writing about the trip I took to Japan a good... month ago. Yes, I'm still playing Dragon's Dogma.So, I'm only really calling this Day 0 because I just landed, hung out w…

Japan Trip 2012 - Overview

Finally went ahead and made a Google Map of places I went within Japan. I'm embedding the map here, but if you want to see my notes, you'd better hit the link for the full size version.Full size map: https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=21…

Mount Fuji - Personal Purchases

So, before I get on to blogging about the actual Japan trip, I thought I'd share some photos of the stuff I bought specifically for the trip up the mountain.Aviator hat, by Ultrafino Panama Hat. You can't see it here, but my cookie jar is …

Mount Fuji - Equipment

So, if you've been keeping track, I modified my previous post a bit since a few more important things came to mind, and it belonged more in that post than this. If you've already read it, I can sum up the things I thought of in three simpl…

Mount Fuji - Preparations

I think I'll spare a while to talk about things people need to summit Mount Fuji, or at least the things that people who've never climbed a mountain before need before they do so. This will probably be the first of two posts, but I'm prett…

Mount Fuji - Preface

So, the first thing I thought I'd write about for the Japan trip is what all you need to do to prepare for a climb up Mount Fuji to its peak. I was thinking about going through the entire Japan trip day by day, and I think I still will, bu…

Oh wallet, what have I done to you? (The sequel)

Just back from a Japan trip. Within the next few weeks, I'll be blogging about the experience.As a general outline of the trip, real quick so I can get to working on the ever increasing stack, which as can be predicted just bloated up...We…

Not made of finger hurt

So, I finally decided to return the Inferno after a little bit of deliberation. When you get down to it, 90% of what you buy a mouse for is the shape and feel. If you want extras, that's great, but even if you have all the features that yo…

Drink it Down

So, I don't know what the power draw of my new mouse is, or the power draw of my portable amp, but I guess I spoke a little too soon when I said that my equipment was all fine and good.I encountered some problems with my FiiO E17 (my headp…

Saimoe AGAIN

So, the main prelims of the International Saimoe League are over and the main bracketed tournament is underway right now. I was actually too lazy to watch Ore ha Tomodachi ga Sukunai, so a good bunch of votes that I could have made I'm abs…

Owning the Tokyo Tower is the in thing to do

So, apparently I spoke too soon when I said the Music Bomb shirt was too large for me. It's size XXL, yeah, and I assumed that no matter where you go, that's the size of giants in whatever area of the world you're in. However, in this inst…

Music! (Bomb)

So this is (most) everything I've been spending my money on recently, and by recently, I mean at around the time of the last Celga run. My music playing equipment has been revived and revamped, with new music to boot (all of which have val…

Opinions on Grand Knights History

So, after putting in more hours in Grand Knights History than I care to publicly disclose, I finally beat the game. Part of what took so long was my absolute refusal to beat the game with anything less than a top tier team. In order to mak…

1/64 drop rate?

So, after not using my Fuze for the longest time, I decided I'd fire it back up and see how the device was doing.It wasn't doing very well unfortunately. I remember, around the time I installed Windows 7 on my computer, it started having t…

I'm spending moneys!

So, after not spending money on anything cool for the last since new years, I finally got fed up with things and spent a bunch of money. With my contributions, maybe the yen will go up to 80 yen to the dollar instead of 83.612 like it is n…

Rinse and repeat

So, I'm two games down. I'm whittling this backlog down, one game at a time. The only one I have immediately pending is Grand Knights History.Demon's Souls is the one of the games I packed away. I said I'd talk about its flaws and so I wil…

One step to the end

So, I guess I should update my blog, but guess what? Nothing's really changed. About the only thing to happen lately is some minor progress through Devil May Cry 3, having just beat Mission 18 (the hard way - take out every single chess pi…

Should've cheesed him to death

So, I screwed up my Demon's Souls run, and now I'm realizing I'm going to have to go through a New Game + if I want what I missed out on.There are certain items you can get (and events to see) in a world based on its tendency. In Pure Blac…

Die, ads, die!

So, I've kinda known for a while that Hatena started putting ads in my blog, it's just I've had AdBlock Plus, and so they haven't really been showing up. In fact, for the longest time, I've always wondered what that big thing of blank spac…

And a happy new year?

So, like how long has it been since I updated this blog? It's been a while.Lately, I've been playing Demon's Souls. The game's pretty good, but at the moment I admittedly find PvP to be... annoying. Maybe it's because I can't really do any…


Okay, so this has been in for a while now, but sometime around... I dunno the 7th or the 8th, I got a nice little package from JShoppers. I ordered both limited editions of Weiss Schwarz Portable and 7th Dragon 2020, and they came in then.…

Choose any one, and...

Okay, so apparently HDMI (or part of it, at least) can be implemented within the PS3 internally before it throws it out to the HDMI port. A firmware upgrade last year gave it the ability to process 3D video internally before putting it on …

HDCP is my problem

Okay, well I was thinking a bit after my last post, and I realized something: HDMI 1.4 is kinda new as far as a standard goes. In fact, it was made official in 2009.Now, I did say that you need an HDMI switch with HDMI 1.4 in order to outp…

HD on the cheap

So, I finally got my new monitor, a BenQ G2222HDL, and I almost... almost have everything I need. I just realized I was missing one thing.When I first ran my experiment, I bought about everything I needed to make my future setup work. Cabl…

Almost too cheap for monitors

Well, surprise of surprises, my Samsung SyncMaster 204B isn't HDCP compatible.So, I was thinking a few weeks ago that I could stop using my XCM Mega-Cool VGA Box, since it's pretty weak as far as 480p signals go. I mean, I've seen what it …

You know how to make me look good!

So, I beat Devil May Cry 4 on Hard mode the other day.The amount of challenge in that mode was pretty good, I think, except for the mission everyone hates (Mission 18). Fighting the Savior is just so dumb. Other than that, most missions di…

Taunt more as a lure...

So, I started another run through Devil May Cry 4 the other day, hoping to get through it on Hard. Hard is a challenge, yes, but as of right now, I would say it's not that difficult per se...... Except when the game throws a surprise Blitz…