
Just hold down the trigger and keep firing!

So, I guess after three years of the game being out, I finally got through the only portion of Razing Storm I haven't gotten to yet (the first stage and the beginning of the second), and I have to say...... this game is short, and it is ac…

Crawling along

So, Totomono is going... slowly. Very slowly, but then I dropped 140+ hours on Final Fantasy Tactics A2, so I guess it's par for the course for me.It's a classic enough game, and if you were into the whole dungeon crawler thing back in the…

MMDX: Not state-friendly

Programming in XNA, it seems like you subclass off Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game, and that... I guess is expected to contain a bunch of basic objects, like a GraphicsDeviceManager. The GraphicsDeviceManager also has some functions it uses t…

兄者ぁぁぁぁ! 弟よ! うおおぉぉぉぉおおおお!

So, there's been another game I've been thinking of getting lately, and it doesn't help that the main page for the game plays a familiar sounding tune to my ears.Hitoshi Sakimoto does the music for Grand Knights History. Apparently him and…

Frantic Hobbyist Programming

So, we all learn about stacks in programming, but when are they used?More than you might think, as it turns out. Pick up a video game, and you'll probably see this all happening behind the scenes everywhere. You start with the title screen…

Hatsune Miku set to appear in 7th Dragon 2020

So, there've been more 7th Dragon updates as of late, I guess since we're getting closer to release. There've been some updates on the site, and with the small gameplay footage we're getting, it looks like we're dealing with a 3 person par…

Baroque and Beats

So, I got a few things in the mail, and one thing not in the mail.Now, I know I got the American Collector's Edition of Devil May Cry, but I found out there was some missing content in the Japanese version that wasn't in the American. As m…

He's fighting to fill your dark soul with... ah, forget it.

Okay, so it's like lately, there's been all sorts of stuff going on in games that's been cool, and there's been yet another announcement that's got me excited.Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3.Coming out in November this year according to one s…


Idolmaster 2 is getting a Playstation 3 release.This is not a joke. Here it is one more time just to let it sink in.Idolmaster 2 is getting a Playstation 3 release. http://www.bandainamcogame…

If you could pick someone to voice you...

So, I've been looking at the small amount of information about 7th Dragon 2020, and it looks like we're looking at a Fall 2011 release. Theme song hasn't been announced, just that there is one, and that already makes me curious. Music is b…


7th Dragon 2020! One of my favorite games ever gets a sequel!!! cannot describe how happy I am! Holy crap, this was a niche dungeon crawler, and now it's back with cyberpunkish flair! I never even thought thi…

The Hanging Gardens of DirectX (XNA and Gamepads, continued)

Apparently, using Managed DirectX with XNA 4.0 causes it to hang. That means that library I posted earlier isn't going to do anything except freeze your program. Blech.I've seen people recommend using SlimDX instead.

XNA and Gamepads

The one thing about XNA that just sucks is that natively, it doesn't support any game pads other than XBox 360 controllers... which kinda stinks if you don't have a wired controller.You can fortunately use something else, though. Managed D…


Still at God Eater, and I finally got the bird feather sword I wanted. I swear, a lot of this game I'm spending grinding away... farming Araragami for their random drops.Vajura and Shuu have been on the top of my hit list. You'd think they…

MMDX 2.0 release... やって来たああああ!

The only thing keeping me from upgrading my compiler to Visual Studio 2010 was the fact that an MMD library for importing models and motions into a program was still running on XNA 3.1, which I think isn't too friendly with VS2010 (there w…

Oh, by the way...

... I hate scorpions. Especially when paired with electric lions.Yes, I started God Eater back up. That mission was not cool.

Don't you ever die?

Oh, this one takes me back.Time Crisis 3 was the only game I've ever been close to 1LC'ing, not that I'm sure light gun games count.Stage 3, in the room with all the monitors. I ducked the first grenade I saw thrown at me, and hunkered dow…

Night Owl

Okay, I haven't been boring myself, I just keep going to Ace Combat 6 to keep from getting bored.Hard difficulty, Attack Planes only (Yukiho Nighthawk, Im@s Thunderbolt).

Balancing the backlog

Planning my next couple of purchases, along with my next run of the backlog. This probably means I need an action game and a few shooters... though come to think of it, I think I'm good for now on the shooters part. Though, I am tempted to…

Blazing Griffon, Quicksilver, Legendary Ace

I keep going back to Ace Combat 6 to kill time, but it's like the only things I have left to do is get medals. This last run, over 4 days spread out over 2 weeks, was my run to see how many medals I could knock down at once during Campaign…

Buy the Last One

So, I thought I'd get some PSN cash today, and while doing so, I got the Last Ranker Soundtrack, since the music is just beautiful in that game.No sooner did the purchase go through, did the page say that it was sold out. I think I got the…

Dragon Shadow Spell OP

By Flight-Plan.我が体は龍 我が言葉は力 我が存在は神の煌き 我が身、我が言の葉を通じ神威の力をここに紡がんドラゴンヴォイス…My body is as a wyrm. My words are as power. My existence itself, the spark of divinity. By my word, I gather here the…

A belated goodbye

Well, crap. Old news, but...Apparently, Flight-Plan, a company whose game I'm playing right now, closed their doors sometime August 2010. That surprised me. Those of you out there may recognize the names Black Matrix and Summon Night (can'…

There's nothing wrong with me...

Sand Canyon goes with everything. 違う!俺は… 俺… … orz Pic from Dengeki.Ayase: You mean you actually like getting kicked by me? ... I was right, you -are- a freak.Speaking of which, the OreImo game is out right now, but I am not going to …

Gold Marksman

Wow, apparently I was hovering around 160 to 180 or so because I just got Gold Marksman with a few Free Missions.

All bases of Estovakia were destroyed

So, I guess I got tired of playing other games and decided to play Ace Combat 6 again on Ace. This run was much easier than the Expert run, probably because I hammered down strategy when I went through on Expert and it didn't really change…

Final Fantasy Tactics A2

Finally beat this game, after 271 quests and... what is probably 149 hours and 40 minutes. Yes, this means I'm going to blow off steam. Hard mode made dispatching a pain, so I never really dispatched any quests. There's two quests you have…

Games lately

Let's see... I haven't posted up anything lately, but nothing's been really going on except me playing video games.So, let's see. I'm about done with FFTA2, after 260 some odd quests on Hard mode and no dispatches. The game really has a fe…

Be the Last One

So, I beat Last Ranker today. How'd I feel about it? Excellent game. Really good.As far as plot goes... think movie plot. Light, not deep at all, coupled with the fact that there are a few restraints: you can never stop needing to increase…

There's a fourth time, isn't there...

So I just beat Ace Combat 6 on Expert 'cause I felt like it. Then Ace difficulty opened up. I should've skipped Hard... wait, maybe I have to go through Hard to get to Expert. I can't remember.For the most part, though, the (single-player)…